Home Life with Cloth Diapering

Cloth Diapers

Flannel Wipes Cloth Diapers Liners Spray Bottles Foam Pumps Castille Soap Bidet

Wash 1-2 times before use

Use for pee, (poop if you're brave)

When Gideon poops I just bring him into  the shower now that he can stand.

When he was a baby I just washed his butt over the sink.

I bought about 24 diapers for about 2-3 diapers a day. Washing about every 2-3 days.

Wash hot 1-2 times before use

Daily wash warm/hot after a sink rinse with laundry detergent

Spray off all poop into toilet with a bidet

For heavy wetters i use two liners, one that is included with the diaper, and the other one is this one. so I bought four packs.

I still use disposables for night time cause Gideon pees A LOT.


I use this to spray Gideon after a pee.


1 tsb: Castille Soap

5 Drops Lavender Essential Oil (optional)

Fill the rest up with Distilled Water

I use this to hand wash pee & poop diapers immediately after I change him. Or when I am in the shower i just stomp on them.

Ingredients for Diaper Wash:

1 Inch of Laundry Soap

Fill the rest with Distilled Water

LABEL the bottle with LAUNDRY SOAP

Ingredients for butt wash in the shower:

1 inch of Castille stop

Fill the rest with Distilled Water

LABEL the bottle with BUTT WASH

There are other cheaper castille soaps you can use, just find the organic one. I just use 1 tsb per spray bottle,  You can use this to spray down the poop into the toilet. Get close to the diaper when spraying so that you dont get sprayed on with poop.



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